In 1969, the first Swiss National Team was formed by AéCS, which brought together Arnold Wagner, Eric Müller, Christian Schweizer, Michel Brandt, Denis Hügli and Alexandre Leitner. The following year, three
In 1969, the first Swiss National Team was formed by AéCS, which brought together Arnold Wagner, Eric Müller, Christian Schweizer, Michel Brandt, Denis Hügli and Alexandre Leitner.
The following year, three of these members of the Swiss National Team decided to buy the brand new and revolutionary Acrostar, developed and designed by Arnold Wagner. The riders were: Eric Müller, Christian Schweizer and Alexandre Leitner. The Swiss Aerobatic Association was born.
The SAA was founded on 15 December 1970 in Riehen (BS) at the home of Eric Müller.
December 15, 2020 All Day(GMT+00:00)