Who’s Antoine

Job: Dreamer / Sales Manager
Origin: Broc, FR
Date of Birth: September 14th 1990
Why flying planes?
To experience the world from a unique perspective!
How did you start?
For as long as I can remember aviation was always part of my life. My actual start behind the controls was flying gliders in Gruyère airfield a long time ago.
For how long do you fly and what is your experience in terms of championships?
My first trainee flight on an ASK-21 was back in 2004. For the championship side, it has been teasing me for the last 2 years. Finally beginning 2019, thanks to Jerôme Cusin, I decided to do the Swiss national championship for my very first aerobatic competition. What an unforgettable experience!
Why the Bücker?
Because the Bücker is a very elegant vintage airplane. Flying the Bücker feels like putting on your favorite jacket, as soon as she gets a hole in it you cry ;). Seriously, she just knows where you want to go.
If there could be only one, what would it be?
No hesitation, a PBY Catalina as you can go anywhere and share the experience with a lot of girlfriends :).
What is your favorite maneuver?
Reversed Cuban eight, it has the best view :).
Any quotes or short story linked to your pilot’s life you would like to share with us?
“All grown-ups were once children but only few of them remember it” Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Since my childhood as soon as I hear a flying machine it is everytime the same excitement. Luckily I am still part of the few.
Do you have other hobbies when you are grounded?
American muscle car restauration and outdoor sports.
What is your wish in terms of SAA or aerobatics in Switzerland?
My wish is to share it with as many people as possible!
Who is the next MoM ?
Hanspeter Rohner